Better prediction of our fast-changing climate system

Remote Sensing

Generate new data products and insights from active and passive sensors on-board government and commercial platforms.

Climate Modeling

Develop and run global-scale climate models to better predict changes to our climate at daily to decadal time-scales.

Data Assimilation

Integrate data into climate models using emulators & simulators. Assess impact using Observing Simulation Experiments.

Machine Learning & AI

Exploit machine learning tools and more advanced AI approaches to enhance data insights and improve predictive capabilities.

Geospatial Analysis

Utilize and help grow the extensive array of open source geospatial analysis and data visualization tools.

Open Science

Contribute to community tool development efforts and help encourage the transition to a fully open climate data future.


Improve insights into our climate system through smarter utilization of the rapidly expanding network of remote sensing platforms, climate models and open source geospatial data science tools.


Generate higher-level climate/geospatial data science output, amplifying the traditional efforts of academic/government labs:

  • Automated and maintained prediction pipelines
  • Synthesized remote sensing dataset creation and dissemination
  • Climate model experiments run on demand
  • Tailored data vizualization dashboards
